Sunday 2 January 2011

Healthy Recipes backed by English Government

Now that the "Silly Season" is over good sense prevails and all that excessive eating and drinking that a couple of days ago was the norm now seems somewhat ...... well ..........  excessive!  Today is the day when millions of people are online looking for healthy recipes, activities and best gym memberships.  The government are obviously so concerned about this that families in England are being offered £250 million worth of free vouchers in a bid to encourage them to lead more healthy lifestyles. 

The money-off tokens, which will give discounts on healthy foods and activities, are being rolled out as part of Change4Life's "Great Swapathon".  An online tool "Your Great Swapathon" has also been launched on the Change4Life website where users are given tips on how to swap unhealthy behaviours in food, alcohol and physical activity, for healthier ones.

The website is designed to be attractive and user friendly being very bright and easy to follow by anyone.  I think though its probably mainly designed for families.  The Swapathon area is useful - with healthy options for the old favourites laden in fat and calories!  Parents will also be offered access to nutritional advice and recipes as an incentive to make healthy changes in their family's food and fitness habits.

Four million £50 voucher books will be available through the News of the World newspaper and Asda supermarkets while one million will be handed out through local businesses which have signed up to Change4Life, the Government's health initiative.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said: "This is a very exciting initiative. It's a great example of how Government, the media, industry and retailers can work together to help families to be healthy."
"The healthy option isn't always the cheapest option so it's a really important step to be able to offer £50 off healthier foods, drinks and activities."

Companies backing the scheme include Birds Eye, Kellogg's, Unilever and Nestle.

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